Saturday, February 9, 2013


Our evening of Sanskrit was enlightening. We watched the Sanskrit Videos on youtube by Dr. Katy Poole. As we expanded our consciousness by exploring the technology of Sanskrit, our hearts were blown open. In groups of two, we went through the names of yoga postures in sanskrit. Every time we go through the list in the manual, I get more and more comfortable with the postures and am reminded of postures I rarely teach. I feel so lucky to be able to create freshness in my yoga classes as I review the lessons in the 200hr training.

People were confused and needed clarification between Virasana (Hero) and Vajrasana (Thunderbolt). We had to look online and realized with Hero, the feet are spread wide enough for the bottom to sit on the ground. In Thunderbolt, the heels rest under the sit bones. Last round of YTT, we saw online astavakrasana (Elephant), was a form of wide legged squat with hands in prayer over the forehead. When, actually, it is an arm balance commonly called Eight Angle Pose.

I can say I was feeling the energy speaking in sankrit moving the prana around the room and within my own body. I love this!

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